Journal of fundamental
applied researches


2016. №3, pp. 29-38

Laktionov Alexey P - D. Sc. (Biology), Professor, Astrakhan State University, 1 Shaumyana Sq., Astrakhan, 414000, Russian Federation,

Voloboeva Oksana V. - post-graduate student, Astrakhan State University, 1 Shaumyana Sq., Astrakhan, 414000, Russian Federation,

Nurmuhambetova Doydyk E. - Senior Researcher, Ustyurt State Natural Reserve, Zhanaozen, 130200, Republic of Kazakhstan,

The systematic, chorological, biomorphological, phytocenotic characteristics of flora are given for the territory of the National natural park “Bogdinsko-Baskunchakskiy” and the same name reserve. The 588 species of the higher vascular plants from 77 families are noted for flora of the Bogdinsko-Baskunchaksky area. As a result of the analysis of flora chorologic Bogdinsko-Baskunchak district belongs to the Mediterranean type flora, as the types of Mediterranean geographical elements play a leading role in its composition; West Mediterranean and Caspian-Turanian species are the most numerous among them. Northern Caspian's endemics and Tsirkumсaspian species are endemic species, which grow in the reserve. 13 endemic taxons are given for the studied territory, one of which is Poacynum kazakevichchii E. Mavrodiev, A. Laktionov & Yu. Alexeev is a narrow local endemic of the Bogdinsko-Baskunchaksky area. The Adventive type of an area is noted at 40 types of flora of the area. The leading position of herbaceous perennials, including hemicryptophytes is defined by prevalence around research of steppe communities. At the same time, a high percent of annuals and plurannual (therophyte, therophyte-hemicryptophyte) indicates that the region is on the border of desert and steppe natural zones.

Key words: Баскунчак, гора Большое Богдо, флора, хорологический анализ, биоморфологический анализ, эколого-фитоценотический анализ, флорогенез, Богдинско-Баскунчакский заповедник, эндемик, реликт, Baskunchak, mountain Bolshoe Bogdo, flora, chorological analysis, bio