Journal of fundamental
applied researches

Comparison of the anatomical structure of the leaf blade of wild rose wrinkled (Rosa rugosa Thunb.) in different climatic zones

2016. №2, pp. 22-26

Menshakova M.Yu - Ph.D. (Biology), Associate Professor, Arctic Murmansk State University, 9 Communy Str., Murmansk, 183720, Russian Federation,

Postevaya M.A - student, Arctic Murmansk State University, 9 Communy Str., Murmansk, 183720, Russian Federation,

The article presents the results of a study of the leaves anatomical structure of Rosa rugosa in terms of two climate zones. It is shown that the photosynthetic apparatus of this species are rather conservative, significant differences were found only for indicators such as the number of chloroplasts in the cells of the mesophyll. In the palisade layer the differences are more significant than in cancellous. In addition, in the Northern populations there is an increase of the diameter of the cells of the palisade layer. The increase in cells due to the stretching and the growing number of plastid, apparently, provide adaptation of this species to low temperatures, polar day and low length of the growing season, which contributes to the spread of this species in the far North

Key words: фотосинтетический аппарат, палисадный и губчатый мезофилл, хлоропласты, инвазивные виды растений, роза морщинистая, анатомическая структура, листовая пластинка, photosynthetic apparatus, palisade and spongy mesophyll, chloroplasts, invasive plant species,