Journal of fundamental
applied researches

Ultrastructure of rat’s basilar artery in conditions of acute ethanol intoxication

2015. №1, pp. 73-81

Sharapova Olga N. - post-graduate student, Lomonosov Moscow State University Russia, 119991, Moscow, 1-12 Leninskie Gory, Russian Federation,

Masutin Alekxander G. - Technical Assistant, Lomonosov Moscow State University Russia, 119991, Moscow, 1-12 Leninskie Gory, Russian Federation,

Guseva Aleksadra A. - Ph.D (Biology), Associate Professor, Lomonosov Moscow State University Russia, 119991, Moscow, 1-12 Leninskie Gory, Russian Federation,

The experiment was conducted with male Wistar Albino rats weighing 250--300 g. Acute ethanol intoxication was produced by intraperitoneal administration of 25 % ethanol (4,5 ml/kg of body weight) while the control group received an equal volume of 0.9 % NaCl. 4 hours after the administration of ethanol the animal was decapitated and basilar artery was resected. We examined morphological changes the rat basilar artery wall structure by transmission electron microscopy. 4 hours after the intraperitoneal administration of ethanol revealed ultrastructural signs of increased smooth muscle cells contraction and disintegration of the endothelium. The observed vasoconstrictive results could be caused by high dose effect of ethanol on the smooth muscle and endothelium level. It could be assumed that all these changes are associated with suppression of nitric oxide secretion, reduction of prostacyclin production and /or with modification of ryanodine receptor activty .

Key words: острая этаноловая интоксикация, базилярная артерия, ультраструктура, эндотелий, вазоконстрикция, оксид азота, простациклин, рианодиновый рецептор, электронная микроскопия, acute ethanol intoxication, basilar artery, ultrastructure, endothelium, vasoconstr