Journal of fundamental
applied researches

Noise pollution of the Astrakhan city

2015. №1, pp. 20-26

Kiselev Vadim V. - post-graduate student, Astrakhan State University, 1 Shaumyana Sq., Astrakhan, 414000, Russian Federation,

Barmin Alexander N. - D.Sc. (Geography), Professor, Astrakhan State University, 1 Shaumyana Sq., Astrakhan, 414000, Russian Federation,

Results of monitoring of an ear pollution in various districts of the city are presented. Following the results of the carried-out measurements of noise level on streets the card of an ear pollution of the city of Astrakhan is made, examples of increase in noise load of residents due to the lack of noise-protective constructions are shown. It is also noted that one of the directions of noise control is development of state standards on vehicles which basis hygienic requirements on ensuring acoustic comfort are. Need of rational building of the turnpike streets, and also the maximal gardening of territories of residential districts and dividing strips, application of noise-reducing technologies and materials at construction of buildings and constructions. On the basis of explained it is possible to draw a conclusion that decrease in city noise can be reached first of all due to decrease of intensity of driving vehicles, increase in distance between a source of noise and the protected object, use of acoustically opaque screens, express noise-protective strips of gardening, rational placement of residential districts and their planning at night. Application of administrative measures for inadmissibility of violation of tranquillity of citizens loud music, singing, use of pyrotechnics, and also noise is necessary, for bound to repair work and other actions.

Key words: шумовое загрязнение, автотранспорт, акустический экран, зеленые насаждения, здоровье человека, Астрахань, ear pollution, motor transport, acoustical baffle, green plantings, human health, Astrakhan