Journal of fundamental
applied researches

Influence of age on oreohromis niloticus morphological and physiological characteristics offspring

2014. №3, pp. 105-110

Kostyurina Anna N. - post-graduate student, Astrakhan State Technical University, 16 Tatischev Str., Astrakhan, 414025, Russian Federation,

Vasilyeva Екatherina G. - Ph.D. (Biology), Assistant Professor, Astrakhan State Technical University, 16 Tatischev Str., Astrakhan, 414025, Russian Federation,

Melnik Irina V. - Ph.D. (Biology), Assistant Professor, Astrakhan State Technical University, 16 Tatischev Str., Astrakhan, 414025, Russian Federation,

Dokuchaev Denis D. - undergraduate student, Astrakhan State Technical University, 16 Tatischev Str., Astrakhan, 414025, Russian Federation,

Relationship characteristics fish producers determines the results of the process of growing marketable fish production. Oreohromis niloticus is easily cultivated species because unpretentiousness, and thus excellent aquaculture object. In the second half of the life cycle of fertility decreases and ceases reproduction due to degeneration of the gonads. General patterns of age variability of fish are very strongly reflected on their reproductive ability. Therefore it is important to accurately determine the most adequate cultivation periods marketable product. The aim of research was to investigate the morphological and physiological characteristics of tilapia offspring from different age groups. In the experiments we used three age groups of fish - at first breeding, mature fish and aging fish. The reproductive properties of tilapia producers, such as fertilization of eggs, fecundity, egg size and weight were investigated. The quality and quantity of offspring and then young fish obtained from producers of various ages Oreohromis niloticus were different. At first breeding of tilapia producers (6-7 months) eggs is characterized by low fertilization (81 %), high loss of in the incubation period. The best results for the survival and growth were obtained from mature producers.

Key words: тимирязевская тиляпия, морфологические и физиологические особенности, возрастные группы, репродуктивные свойства, плодовитость, жизнестойкость, темп роста, инкубация, молодь, Oreohromis niloticus, morphological and physiological characteristics, age group