Journal of fundamental
applied researches

The effectiveness of artificial reproduction of beluga in sturgeon hatcheries of the lower Volga river

2014. №3, pp. 98-101

Dosaeva Valida G. - post-graduate student, Astrakhan State University, 1 Shaumyan Sq., Astrakhan, 414000, Russian Federation,

One of the main problems of artificial reproduction of sturgeons is the critical shortage of spawners because of decline in the mature sturgeon population which migrates into the rivers of the Volga-Caspian basin. Such as a Beluga calls particular concern, its release of juveniles tends to zero in recent years. The aim of this work is the estimate of efficiency of artificial reproduction of Beluga at the fishery plants of the Lower Volga in 2012-2013. The objects of the research were spawners and offspring of Beluga. Piscicultural-biological and reproductive indicators of this type have been studied. The studies have shown that a mass of spawners of Beluga was 110-136 kg, a percentage insemination was changed from 0 to 94.1 %. The survival of young fishes in ponds oscillated within 0-60.1 %. The causes of efficiency impairing of artificial reproduction of Beluga discusses.

Key words: осетровые, белуга, производители, молодь, искусственное воспроизводство, одомашнивание, sturgeons, Beluga, spawners, young fish, artificial reproduction, domestication