Journal of fundamental
applied researches

Hydrocarbon composition of oil field Ulan-Khol

2013. №4, pp. 168-176

Erdnieva Olga G. - Ph.D. (Chemistry), Associate Professor, Kalmyk State University, 11 Pushkin Str., Elista, 358000, Republic of Kalmykia, Russian Federation,

Derbetov Alexander B. - student, Kalmyk State University, 11 Pushkin Str., Elista, 358000, Republic of Kalmykia, Russian Federation,

This article is devoted to the study of the hydrocarbon composition of Ulan-Khol oil field (well number 65) of the Republic of Kalmykia. Group hydrocarbon composition Ulan-Khol oil field was determined by aniline points (GOST 12329-77). Found that the narrow fractions 60–95 ?C predominant class of hydrocarbon compounds are alkanes (46.87 %), more arenas (31.86 %), followed by naphthenes (18.45 %). In the fraction 95–122 °C are the predominant class of hydrocarbon naphtha (57.89 %), followed by alkanes (28.52 %) and the arena (13.59 %). In the fraction of 122–150 ?C are the predominant class of hydrocarbons naphthenes (65.32 %), followed arenas (29 %) and alkanes (20.72 %). Total fraction of from 60 to 200 ? C are the predominant class of hydrocarbons naphthenes (48.3 %), the content of alkanes and arenas do not differ significantly, and are respectively 27.75 and 23.74 %. The distribution of hydrocarbon oil fractions of IBP 150 and of 150–350 ?C was examined by gas chromatography. In the fraction of Ulan-Khol oil field of IBP-150 ?C the high content of isoalkanes (41.99 %), lower n-alkanes (33.44 %) and cycloalkanes (24.57 %). The maximum concentration is the relative number of the peaks 12 (n-hexane, 6,67 %), № 11 (2,2-methylpentane, 6.6 %) and number 13 (methylcyclopentane, 6.56 %). This oil fractions no izoprenany as it distills at temperatures above 150 °C. In the fraction between 150 and 350 ?C Ulan-Khol oil field relative maximum concentration peak falls on the n-alkane, i.e., C17 (6.67 %), C18 (6.6 %) and C16 (6.56 %). Oil show overwhelming presence of the normal structure of alkanes (98.55 %) and low content of isoprenoid alkanes buildings (1.45 %). The ratio of pristane / phytane is 1.42. Thus, Ulan-Khol oil field wells. Number 65 on the ratio pristane / phytane be attributed to oils lacustrine origin. In the crude Ulan-Khol oil field dominated by the normal structure of alkanes (98.79 %) and low content of isoprenoid alkanes buildings (1.21 %). The maximum concentration falls on the peaks of C10 (8.61 %), C11 (8.09 %) and C12 (7.46 %). For crude Ulan-Khol oil field relative concentration of pristane is 0.69 %, and graphite – 0.52 %, respectively. Ratio pristane / phytane is 1.33, so it should be referred to oils lacustrine origin. For oil marine origin this ratio less than 1, for oil continental genesis – more than 3.

Key words: hydrocarbon composition of oil,alkanes,izoprenany,isoprenoid alkanes,cycloalkanes,arenas,aniline point,gas chromatography