Journal of fundamental
applied researches

Study of relative distribution in cretaceous adamantanes in Bairskoe oil field

2016. №4, pp. 85-90

Badmaev Ch.M. - Ph.D. (Chemistry Sciences), Senior lecturer, Kalmyk State University, 11 Pushkina Str., Elista, 358000, Republic of Kalmykia,

This article is devoted to the study of the patterns of distribution of adamantanes C to C in the oil field Bairskoe. It was found that the oil is characterized by elevated concentrations of adamantanes C to C. It was also found that the relative distribution of adamantanes C to C are far from equilibrium. By sterane and terpanovymindicators studied oil quite mature. It should be noted the lack of relationship between the relative concentrations of adamantanes temperature occurrence of oil. As well there is no correlation between the degree of maturity as determined by high-molecularpolycyclic hydrocarbon biomarkers and content of the thermodynamically most stable isomers of adamantanes C to C.

Key words: адамантаны, адамананоиды, углеводороды каркасного строения, адамантановые углеводороды, полициклические нафтеновые углеводороды, монометиладамантаны, диметиладамантаны, триметиладамантаны, углеводороды-биомаркеры, adamantane, adamananoidy, hydrocarbons fr