Journal of fundamental
applied researches

Influence of the sharp emotional and painful stress on tissue-specific and age features of free radical processes at different stages of postnatal ontogenesis

2014. №4, pp. 82-87

Chumakova Anna S. - Ph.D. (Biology), Senior Researcher, Astrakhan State University, 1 Shaumyan Sq., Astrakhan, 414000, Russian Federation,

Ryabykina Natalya V. - Ph.D. (Biology), Senior Lecturer, Astrakhan State University, 1 Shaumyan Sq., Astrakhan, 414000, Russian Federation,

At three stages of postnatal ontogenesis found age differences of the intensity of free radical processes, which are to improve the level of protein peroxidation in aged rats. In immature and mature animals free radical oxidation is dependent on the multidirectional nature of the tissue. A model of acute emotional pain stress showed a significant stress-induced activation of peroxide degradation of proteins, which is most pronounced in the liver of immature rats and old animals. Of stressing immature, mature and old animals resulted in increased protein degradation processes of peroxide both light myocardium and liver. The exception was the peroxidation of proteins of adult rats that peroxidation of proteins significantly decreased. The influence of the age factor in the dynamics of the stressor peroxide degradation of proteins in all organs. The results suggest a large variability in the age under physiological norm intensity peroxide modification of proteins in blood plasma compared to the other tissues studied. It is established that in immature and mature animals antioxidant showed his stress protective effect in the studied tissues. In old animals О±-tocopherol in a number of organs (myocardium, liver) has prooxidant action.

Key words: эмоционально-болевой стресс, перекисное окисление липидов, перекисное окисление белков, возраст, печень, легкие, плазма крови, миокард, свободные радикалы, старение, emotionally painful stress, lipid peroxidation, protein peroxidation, age, liver, lungs,