Journal of fundamental
applied researches


External scientometrical sources:

Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor, member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, awarded with the title “Honorable Worker of Higher Professional Education of the RF”, the founder and for the last 26 years the Head of the Chair of Human and Animal Physiology and Morphology.
In 1955 graduated the Faculty of Biology and Soil Science of Saratov State University with the speciality of physiologist.
He has been working at Astrakhan State University for 47 years.
Founder of a scientific school and a scientific field which is the leading scientists now consider to be one of the priority research areas.
Information about this scientific school is included in the 2008 edition of the encyclopedia “Russian scientific schools”, published by the Russian Academy of Natural History.
Prof. Teplyi was research supervisor of 24 successful Ph.D. and 9 doctorate theses. 9 more of his Ph.D. students are preparing their papers.
He is the author of 350 scientific papers, i.e. monographs, textbooks, articles in academic journals (including foreign ones), coauthor of 6 invention patents.
Since 2008 the head of the Joint Laboratory for Studying the Role of Programmed Cell Death in the Forming of Neuroendocrine System (on the basis of the University and the Laboratory of Somnology and Neuroendocrinology of St.-Petersburg Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry named after Sechenov of the Russian Academy of Sciences).
The head of the Joint Dissertation Council. 100 theses have been successfully defended since 1996. Chairman of Astrakhan department of the Russian Academy of Sciences Gerontological Society, editor in chief of Astrakhan State University magazine “Natural science”, member of the editorial board of Astrakhan State Medical Academy “Astrakhan Medical Journal”.
For the fundamental studies in physiology and founding of a scientific school Prof. Teplyi has been awarded with the Order of Merit for the Fatherland and the Order of Merit for the Astrakhan Region.
The Head of the Chair of Human and Animal Physiology and Morphology, the Head of the Experimental Physiology Laboratory and the Head of the Joint Russian Academy of Sciences Institute for Physiology Laboratory for Studying the Role of Apoptosis in Forming of Neuroendocrine System.
Head of the scientific school “The role of Free-Radical Processes and Antioxidant Defense in Regulation of Functional Systems, Providing Homeostasis During Ontogenesis in Extreme Conditions”.

The most relevant publications
  1. Samotrueva M. A., Tyurenkov I. N., Teply D. L., Serezhnikova T. K., Berestovitskaya V. M., Vasilieva O. S., Luzhnova S. A. Phenotropil succinate as a substance correcting neuroimmune impairments in conditions of informational-physical stress. Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology, 2013, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 135–138.
  2. Teply D. L., Sukhanov D. S., Bazhanova E. D. Uchastie nekotoryh gepatoprotektorov i immunoiodulyatorov v regulyatsii apoptoza gepatotsitov, indutsirovannogo protivotuberkuleznym preparatom osnovnogo ryada [Role of hepatoprotectors and immunomodulators in regulation of hepatocyte apoptosis induced by antituberculosis treatment]. Annals of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, 2013, no. 8, pp. 45–50.
  3. Teply D. L., Bazhanova E. D., Sukhanov D. S. Mekhanizm apoptoza gepatotsitov pri eksperimentalynom toksicheskom povrezhdenii pecheni. [Hepatocyte apoptosis mechanism in the experimental toxic damage of liver]. Morfologiya [Morphology], 2013, no. 6.
  4. Teply D. L. Biofizika kletki [Cellular biophysics]. Astrakhan, Publ. House Astrakhan State University, 2012.
  5. Mazhitova M. V., Teply D. L., Trizno N. N., Tyrkov A. G., Velikorodov A. V., Epinetov M. A. Khronicheskoe vliyanie prirodnogo gaza Astrahanskogo mestorozhdeniya na antioksidantnuyu aktivnost i Redox-potentsial plazmy krovi i tkani mozga v eksperimente [Chronic Influence of the Astrakhan Natural Gas Field on the Antioxidation Activity and RedOx Potential of Blood Plasma and the Brain Tissue in Experiment]. Estestvennye i tekhnicheskie nauki, 2011, vol. 6, pp. 149–153.
  6. Teply D. L., Samotrueva M. A., Tyurenkov I. N., Serezhnikova T. K., Magomedov M. M., Berestovetskaya V. L., Vasiliyeva O. S. Izuchenie psikhoimmunomodelirueschego deistviya suktsinata fenotropila v eksperimente [Study of Psychoimmunomodulating Properties of Phenotropil Succinate in Experiment]. Medizinskaja Immunologia, 2011, vol. 1, pp. 55–60.
  7. Kuriyanova E. V., Teply D. L., Zereninova N. V. Stanovlenie reg-ulyatsii khronotropnoy funktsii serdtsa v postnatalnom ontogeneze belyh krys po dannym spektralnogo analiza variabelnosti serdechnogo ritma. [Development of regulation of the cardiac chronotropic function in albino rats during the early postnatal ontogeny on the basis of the results of spectral analysis of heart rhythm variability]. Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine, 2011, vol. 152, no. 12, pp. 614–617.
  8. Kozak M. V., Teply D. L. Age- and Sex-Related Differencies of Hy-pothalamic Neuroendocrine Center Response to alpha-Tocopherol-Acetate and Thymaline Preparation. Advances in Gerontology, 2011, vol. 1, issue 1, pp. 76–80.
  9. Azizova Yu. V., Teply D. L., Bazhanova E. D., Pozdnyakova O. N. Vliyanie vodnoy deprivatsii i alfa-tokoferol-atsetata na ekspressiyu belkov-markerov apoptoza [Influence of the Water Deprivation and ?-Tocopheroli Acetates on the Expression of Apoptosis Regulator Proteins]. Uspekhi gerontologii [Advances in Gerontology], 2011, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 220–224.
  10. Teply D. L., Samotrueva M. A., Serezhnikova T. K., Kule-shevskaya N. R. Sposob modelirovaniya sindroma khronicheskoy ustalosti v eksperimente [Method of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Modelling in Experiment]. Biomeditsina, 2011, vol. 2, pp. 78–83.
  11. Mazhitova M. V., Teply D. L., Trizno N. N. Vozrastnye i polovye osobennosti antioksidantnoy zashchity i svobodnoradikalnykh protsessov v mozgu belyh krys.[ Age and Sex Features of Antioxidation Protection and Free-Radical Processes in White Rats Brain]. Uspekhi gerontologii [Advances in Gerontology], 2010, vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 396–400.
  12. Teply D. L., Samotrueva M. A., Tyurenkov I. N., Luchinova S. A. Izmenenie psikhoemotsionalnogo sostoyaniya v usloviyah podavleniya immunogeneza u myshey i krys. Korrektsiya narusheniy GAMK-pozitivnymi preparatami [Changes in the psycho-emotional state under conditions of suppressed immunogenesis in mice and rats. the correction of the disorders with gaba-positive means]. Rossiysky fiziologichesky zhurnal im. I.M. Sechenova [Russian journal of Physiology (formerly I.M. Sechenov Physiological Journal)], 2010, vol. 96, no. 2, pp. 115–120.
  13. Teply D. L., Mazhitova M. V., Trizno N. N. Antioksidantnaya reaktsiya vozrastnykh izmeneniy svobodnoradikalnykh protsessov v plazme belyh myshey [Antioxidation reaction of free-radical process age changes in white rats plasma]. Kislorod i antioksidanty [Oxygen and antioxidants], 2010, vol. 2, pp. 11–12.
  14. Teply D. L., Samotrueva M. A., Tyurinkov I. N., Kuleshevskaya N. R., Khlebcova E. B. Immunomodulyatornoe deystvie fenibuta v usloviyah liponolisakharid – indutsirovannogo immunnogo otveta [Immune Modulator Effect of Phenibut Under the Conditions of the Lipopolysaccharide Induced Immune Response]. Eksperimentalnaya i klinicheskaya morfologiya, 2010, vol. 5, pp. 30–32.
  15. Teply D. L., Serezhnikova T. K., Samotrueva M. A., Tyurinkov I. N., Nasunova E. S., Prilichny S. V. Izuchenie immunomoduliruyushchego deistviya fenotropila na modeli informatsionno-fizicheskogo stressa [Study on Immune Modeling Effect of Phenotropil on Informational Physical Stress Models]. Patogenez, 2010, vol. 1, pp. 58.
  16. Samotrueva M., Tyurenkov I., Teply D., Serezhnikova T., Kule-shevskaya N., Bakhtiyarova S. Citrocard influence on neurotrophil phagocytosis of peripheral blood. Europen Journal of Natural History, 2010, vol. 3, pp. 66–67.
  17. Teply D. L. Neurophysiological effects of vitamin E. Astrakhan, Publ. House Astrakhan State University, 2010.
  18. Samotrueva M. A., Tyurenkov I. N., Teply D. L., Luzhnova S. A., Ovcharova A. N. Influence of phenibute on immune status and behavior reactions of rats with immune insufficiency. European Journal of Natural History, 2009, vol. 3, pp. 61.
  19. Teply D. L., Kuriyanova E. V., Savin V. F. Klasterny analiz ekstrakardialnoy regulyatsii serdechnogo ritma nelineinykh belyh krys v sostoyanii pokoya [Cluster Analysis of Extracardiac Control of the Heart Rate in Outbred Albino Rats at Rest.]. Byulleten eksperimentalnoy biologii i meditsiny [Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine], 2009, vol. 147, no. 1, pp. 16–19.
  20. Teply D. L., Tyurenkov I. N., Galimzyanov H. M., Teply D. L., Samotrueva M. A., Luzhnova S. A. Eksperimentalnoe izuchenie immunokorrigiruyushchikh svoystv fenotropila v aspekte “doza – effect” [Experimental Study of Immunocorrective Properties of Phenotropil with Special Reference to the Dose-Effect Relationship]. Immunologiya [Immunology], 2009, vol. 5, pp. 302–305.
  1. Sentyurova L. G., Teplyi D. L., Aleshkin V. A., Afanasiev S. S., Galimzyanov H. M., Rubalski O. V., Rybkin V. S., Surkova L. S., Shayakhmetov R. A., Davydkin V. Y., Kosarev V. P., Rubalski Å. Î. The Method of Estimation of Toxic Effect of Oral Mucosal IF Therapy.
    Type: invention.
    Status: certificate no. 2288474 of 27.11.2006.
    Patent holders: authors.
  2. Teplyi D. L., Dikareva L. V., Shverev E. G. The method of Diagnosing of hyperplastic Processes of Endometrium of Uterine Fibroid Patients.
    Type: invention.
    Status: certificate no. 2327164 of 20.06.2008.
    Patent holders: authors.
  3. Teplyi D. L., Aleshkin V. A., Galimzyanov H. Ì., Duiko V. V., Afanasiev S. S., Sentyurova L. G., Rubalski O. V., Kosareva V. P., Luzhnova S. A., Naumov V. Z., Martynov A. V., Pichugina N. A., Berdieva Y. Z., Golikova T. O., Rubalski E. O., Alyoshkin V. A. The Method of Estimating Areactogenic Effect of a Prebiotic Agent.
    Type: invention.
    Status: certificate no. 2375960 of 20.12.2009.
    Patent holders: authors.
  4. Dzhumagaziev A. R., Teplyi D. L., Myasisheva A. B., Bezruko-va D. A. The Method of Prediction of Infants’ Allergic Diseases.
    Type: invention.
    Status: certificate no. 2424528 of 20.07.2011.
    Patent holders: authors.
  5. Teplyi D. L., Luzhnova S. A. The method of correction of anemia caused by Introduction of Dapson in experimental conditions.
    Type: invention.
    Status: certificate no. 2426533 of 20.08.2011.
    Patent holders: authors.
  6. Samotrueva M. A., Tyurenkov I. N., Teplyi D. L., Luzhnova S. A., Kuleshevskaya N. R. The method of neuroimmune disorder correction in the experimental immunopathology.
    Type: invention.
    Status: certificate granted on 27.09.2011.
    Patent holders: authors.
  7. Samotrueva M. A., Teplyi D. L., Serezhnikova T. K., Kule-shevskaya N. R. The method of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Simulation in Experiment.
    Type: invention.
    Status: certificate no. 2449379 of 27.04.2012.
    Patent holders: authors.