Journal of fundamental
applied researches

Characteristic of remotely-cartographic method of research of influence of fire on vegetation

2017. №4, pp. 31-36

Dymova T.V. - Ph.D. (Pedagogy), Assistant Professor, Astrakhan State University, 1, Shaumyna Sq., 414000, Astrakhan, Russian Federation,

The vegetation fires on the territory of Astrakhan region occur very often for a variety of reasons related to the natural environment and human impact. In this regard, is very important the use of modern methods of studying the influence of fire on vegetation. One such method is distance-map, which in the implementation of the monitoring of vegetation subjected to fire, has many advantages. The method is based on the use of space data, an essential component to ensure environmental issues, including environmental management. The advantage of this method is obtaining the initial information in the shortest time and at the maximally objective reflection of reality. Remote sensing data can be used to study the dynamics of fires in steppe territories of the Astrakhan region, which used satellite Landsat imagery to track the various changes the integrity of the vegetation cover of the steppe under the impact of fire and recovery of vegetation in the burned areas.

Key words: растительность, дистанционно-картографический метод исследования, пожары, vegetation, remote-cartographic method of research, fires