Journal of fundamental
applied researches

2017. №2, pp. 40-47

Ledenev Oleg A. - postgraduate student, Astrakhan State Technical University, 16 Tatishcheva Str., Astrakhan, 414000, Russian Federation,

Lozhnichenko Olga V. - D.Sc. (Biology), Professor, Astrakhan State Technical University, 16 Tatishcheva Str., Astrakhan, 414000, Russian Federation,

The Black Sea coast experiences serious anthropogenic load as a result of ports development, oil pipelines, enhances fisheries. Research of morphological features of liver and pancreas was carried out for estimation of physiological condition of main fishes catching in the Black Sea (Black Sea mullet, Black Sea horse mackerel, scorpion fishes, buckler skate, Black Sea whiting) in Anapa. It was found that environmental conditions of ecosystem and quality of feed consumption have negative impact on liver structure. Thus around the large vessels were observed inflammatory infiltrates with the inclusion of pigment granules. There were hemorrhages with various areas in liver parenchyma. Some hepatocytes contain small granular inclusions and fat of emptiness, which led to the displacement of the nucleus to the periphery, met non-nuclear cells. In addition, there were pockets of necrosis. As a result of research was found that fishes which does not migrate (scat, whiting, scorpion fishes), have the most pathological changes in this organ. Status analysis of fish analyzed pancreatic pathologic changes was not revealed. Based on results of present research we can conclude that morphological changes which were identified in body fish are the consequence of the impact of different environmental factors, including toxic components contained in sea water.

Key words: черноморская барабуля, черноморская ставрида, скорпена, колючий скат, черноморский мерланг, печень, поджелудочная железа, гепатоциты, ацинусы, жировая дистрофия, жировые вакуоли, Black Sea mullet, Black Sea horse mackerel, scorpion fishes, buckler skate,