Journal of fundamental
applied researches

2017. №1, pp. 42-48

Golubeva Inna Yu. - Ph.D. (Biology), Researcher, Pavlov Institute of Physiology RAS, St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation

Kuznetsova Tamara G. - D.Sc. (Biology), Leading Researcher, Pavlov Institute of Physiology RAS, St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation,

Gorbacheva Maria V. - Ph.D. (Biology), Researcher, Pavlov Institute of Physiology RAS, St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation

Bulgakova Olga S. - Ph.D. (Biology), Associate Professor, Pavlov Institute of Physiology RAS, St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation,

The study involved 22 children 6-7 years old with written parental consent. They needed to learn to distinguish the symptom of separation (differentiation) of visual objects using sample problems, applied M.M. Bongard to create computer programs that simulate the ability to visual recognition in humans and animals. We used 9 tasks, each of which visual objects were divided into two classes according to a specific and unique for each basis. In the end, the whole sample was divided into three groups. It is established that the subjects had when training for a significant difference in time on the stage of "finding the dividing sign" and stage "a sign found," clearly, he was singled out either almost immediately, as children of the 1st group, or by long training, as children of the 2nd group, and showed a significant increase of success in the selection of stimuli containing 4 elements. The subjects of the 3rd group there was a slight time difference in the stages of solving complex problems while learning, and their success in the control phase was significantly decreased. The obtained results must be considered in the practice of preschool education.

Key words: дошкольники, когнитивное научение, дошкольное образование, успешность обучения, разделительный признак, моделирующие компьютерные программы, стимул, preschool children, cognitive learning, preschool education, education efficiency, the separation characte