Journal of fundamental
applied researches

Influence of the dopaminergic system both stimulation and blockades on changes of heart rate variability in rats with acute stress

2016. №4, pp. 51-60

Larionov Aleksandr A - D.Sc. (Medicine), Professor, Astrakhan State Medical University, 121 Bakinskaya Str., Astrakhan, 414000, Russian Federation,

Surinkov Dmitriy B. - Ph.D. (Medicine), Doctor Traumatologist, Alexandro-Mariinskiy Regional Clinical Hospital, 2 Tatishcheva Str., Astrakhan, 414056, Russian Federation

Larionov Anatoliy A. - Doctor Radiologist Surgeon, Federal Centre of Cardiovascular Surgery, 4 Pokrovskaya roshcha, Astrakhan, 414011, Russian Federation

Antonova Lyudmila N. - Doctor Traumatologist, Center of Disaster Medicine and Emergency Medical Care, 5 Lukonina Str., Astrakhan, 414057, Russian Federation

In the experiment, 83 dogs (2 series of experiments) rentgenovazograficheskimi, radiological and morphological methods were studied vascularization and blood flow during the replacement of the tibia defect of leg bones (20 % of the length of the final segment) by lengthening the bone fragments by Ilizarov. The authors showed that the regional hemodynamics in the tibia increased in the response of the circulatory system to the operating limb injury, tissue regeneration, and their dosage strength, due to the movement of the bone autograft. Increased blood supply was achieved through the expansion of all parts of the circulatory channel, the disclosure of reserve vessels and the formation of new blood vessels. During compensation bone defect favorable conditions created by Ilizarov for implementation of compensatory and regenerative capacity of the damaged organ of the circulatory system, which provided osteoreparation and complete restoration of blood supply of the long bones.

Key words: васкуляризация, кровообращение, костный дефект, дистракционный остеосинтез, артериография, венография, остеомедуллография, радионуклиды, ангиогенез, несвободный аутотрансплантат, дистракционный регенерат, vascularization, blood circulation, bone defect, d