Journal of fundamental
applied researches

The variability of the external structure of multi-leaf lupine in Northern regions

2015. №4, pp. 32-36

Menshakova M.Yu. - Ph.D. (Biology), Associate Professor, Murmansk state Humanities University, 9 Communy Str., Murmansk, 183038, Russian Federation,

This article is devoted to variability of Lupinus polyphyllus in boreal and Subarctic climatic zones. L. polyphyllus is one of dangerous invasive species of flora of Karelia and Kola peninsula. Author shoes that this plant has conservative parameters (number of seed-buds) and variable parameters (height of plants, seeds number). Plants of northern populatios have sufficiently big branchy inflorescens and high number of flowers and viability seeds. These results shoes the necessity for the monitoring of this plant spreading in notherh regions, because L. polyphyllus is very spread in Northern Norwey (province Finmark, Tromse). This plant can invade to disturbed and natural communities.

Key words: инвазивные виды, адвентивная флора, вариабельность, натурализация, ареал, интродукция, invasive species, alien flora, variability, naturalization, secondary area, introduction