Journal of fundamental
applied researches

Influence of bioacoustic signals of the dolphin on oxygen tension level in physiological solution

2015. №3, pp. 65-69

Tkhamokova Liana Zh. - Engineer, Kabardino-Balkarian State University n.a. Kh.M. Berbekova, Nalchik, Chernyshevskogo St., 173, Kabardino-Balkar Republic, Russian Federation,

In work influence of bioacoustic signals of a dolphin on tension of oxygen (PO ) in physiological solution is investigated. Fresh portions of solution were exposed to 5 minute acoustic influence. By method of a classical polarography oxygen tension before influence, in time and in 20 minutes after action of signals was registered. It is revealed reliable (СЂ < 0.05) decrease in the PO level in physiological solution practically twice - from 152.0 mm of mercury to 64.10 mm of mercury. Some degree of a hypoxia created by dolphin "voice" can be a push for start of anti-hypoxemic mechanisms and by that to have the stimulating impact on fabrics, bodies and an organism in general.

Key words: дельфинотерапия, напряжение кислорода, физиологический раствор, гипоксия, биоакустические сигналы, «голос» дельфина, антигипоксические механизмы, адаптация, полярография, электрохимическое восстановление кислорода, dolphintherapy, oxygen tension, physiolo