Journal of fundamental
applied researches

Representatives of gymnospermous plants are in the system of planting of greenery and equipping with modern amenities urbanized territories of arid zone

2015. №3, pp. 18-23

Kosobokova Svetlana R. - Ph.D. (Biology), Associate Professor, Astrakhan State University, 1 Shaumyana Sq., Astrakhan, 414000, Russian Federation,

Morozova Ludmila V. - Ph.D. (Biology), Associate Professor, Astrakhan State University, 1 Shaumyana Sq., Astrakhan, 414000, Russian Federation,

Biometric, morphometric and phenological studies of influence of the anthropogenic affecting are undertaken street landings of some breeds coniferous (fir-tree dove-coloured (Canadian, white) (Picea glauca), pine-tree usual (Pinus sylvestris)) in city Astrakhan. It is educed that coniferous in planting of greenery strongly weak in a number of cases at trees curvature of barrels is marked суховершинность, изреживание and one-sidedness of crowns. It is set that at trees sprouting in boroughs with the different level of the anthropogenic loading, morphometric indexes differ. Worsening of the state especially obviously show up on objects with moderate and with strong influence of municipal environment here.

Key words: хвойные, озеленение, жизненное состояние, антропогенная нагрузка, устойчивость, чувствительность, линейный прирост, бонитет, апикальная доминантность, стрессовые реакции растений, coniferous, planting of greenery, vital state, anthropogenic loading, stabi