Journal of fundamental
applied researches

Functional disorders of microcirculation at chronic nonspecific bacterial prostatitis

2015. №2, pp. 64-68

Sadretdinov Renat A. - Ph.D. (Medicine), Assistant, Astrakhan State Medical University, 121 Bakinskaya Str., Astrakhan, 414024, Russian Federation,;

Polunin Andrey A. - Doctor, Alexandro-Mariinskyy Regional Clinical Hospital, 2 Tatishcheva Str., Astrakhan, 414000, Russian Federation,;

Asfandijarov Faik R. - Associate Professor, doctor Medical of Sciences, Astrakhan State Medical University, 121 Bakinskaya Str., Astrakhan, 414024, Russian Federation,;

Polunina Olga S. - professor, doctor Medical of Sciences, Astrakhan State Medical University, 121 Bakinskaya Str., Astrakhan, 414024, Russian Federation,;

The content of interleukin and lactoferrin in secret of the prostate has been studied in 45 patients with chronic nonspecific bacterial prostatitis and 30 somatically healthy men of reproductive age. To assess the state of vascular endothelium in the laser Doppler flowmetry supplemented with iontophoretic samples, we calculated the coefficient of endothelial function. The results of investigation gave the possibility to estimate the degree and character of functional changes in the microcirculatory channel. In group with chronic nonspecific bacterial prostatitis the changes of microvascular reactivity had returned character disappearing after given treatment and liquidation of inflammatory microvascular hyperemia. Laser doppler flowmetry should be used for objective value of condition of capillary blood flow in prostatic gland. The received results of the research testify to the existing variance in the indicators of inflammatory markers in chronic nonspecific bacterial prostatitis. Immunochemical testing of proteins in acute phase of inflammation alongside with clinical manifestations of disease give the possibility objectively estimate the activity of inflammation, its distribution, severity of condition, to find out some complications and to prognose the outcome of disease. Statistical correlation analysis was installed positive correlations between activity of inflammation and indicators of regional microcirculation.

Key words: хронический простатит, микрососудистая реактивность, лазерная допплеровская флоуметрия, вазодилатация, воспаление, лактоферрин, интерлейкин, chronic prostatitis, microvascular reactivity, laser Doppler flowmetry, vasodilation, inflammation, lactoferrin, i