Естественные науки

Журнал фундаментальных
прикладных исследований

Environmental problems in Lake Mariut (Alexandria, Egypt)

2012. №3, Стр. 91-96

Khalifa Moataz Mohammed  - post-graduate student, Astrakhan State University, geomoataz@yahoo.com

Kondrashin Ruslan V. - Assistant Professor, Ph.D. (Geography), Astrakhan State University, geomoataz@yahoo.com

This article describes a study of the lake Mariut. Water is pumped into the lake Mariut the Mediterranean Sea through the water tower. This is a heavily polluted water bodies in Egypt, which receives a huge amount of contaminated drainage water and untreated domestic and industrial waste. Seasonal changes in water temperature depend on air temperature. Waters of Lake Mariut depleted and have a biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). Areas that generate oxygen in the lake is about 10-20 % of its area. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) problem were affects the survival of fish in this pond. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) has a higher average than in the flowing river into the lake Mariut El Mind, which supplies part of the oxygen-containing water. Hydrogen sulfide was found in most of the main basin of Lake Mariut. This gas is dissolved in water of the lake, provokes anoxic conditions, and thus destroys the aquatic flora and fauna. In a study of the lake Mariut showed significant positive correlations between temperature, pH, acidity and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), which may reflect a high level of impact of environmental pollution and the rate of photosynthesis. Based on these data have been proposed actions to restore the lake Mariut and return it to the same health conditions.

Ключевые слова: Pollution, Geoecolgy, Ecology, Lake Mariut, Egypt