Journal of fundamental
applied researches

Ontomorphogenesis features of Artemisia taurica Willd.

2013. ¹2, pp. 13-20

Zenkina Tatyana Ye.  - head of department, LLC “Volgogradnefteproekt”, 94A Lenin Ave., Volgograd, 400078, Russian Federation,

Sagalaev Vadim A.  - D.Sc. (Biology), Professor, Head of Chair, Volgograd State University, 100 University Ave., Volgograd, 400062, Russian Federation,

Practical importance of Artemisia taurica as a source for medical product’s production is considered. The areal and the peculiarities of living environment is characterized. The detailed description of morphological composition is provided. Short comparison of Artemisia taurica and Artemisia santonica, living in same conditions, is made. The results of the research of Artemisia taurica’s ontomorphogenesis is discussed. It turned out that there are three ontogenetical stages (pregenerative, generative and senile) and eight age conditions. The defining characteristics and real age for some ontogenetical conditions are revealed. The peculiarities of life cycle in several climatic environments are described. The neoteny as the mechanism of polyvariability for ontogeny is characterized.

Key words: Artemisia taurica,life cyclå,age states,ontogenetic stages,multivariate of the development,neoteny,ontomorphogenesis,monocyclic sprout,edificator,form of inflorescences