Journal of fundamental
applied researches

Population dynamics of the Eldilbaevskaya species sheep in the Astrakhan Region

2012. №4, pp. 102-108

Nurgalieva Zarina T. - post-graduate student, Astrakhan State University, 1 Shaumyan Sq., Astrakhan, 414001, Russian Federation,

The Astrakhan Region has a continental and arid climate which meets the requirements for developing and breeding meat-fat sheep. Among the meat-fat species in Russia, sheep belonging to the Eldilbaevskaya species have the most valuable qualities of meat and rump. This research is dedicated to rating the quality of the Eldilbaevskaya species in the Astrakhan Region for the sheep industry. The paper gives the characteristic of the natural-climatic zone of the Astrakhan region. Moreover, it also considers the population dynamics of the Eldilbaevskaya species in the Astrakhan Region over the last decade. Separately, it indicates the relevance of breeding sheep of the meat-fat trend in Russia, and also describes the main pedigree sheep breeding sites for the Eldilbaevskaya species. The study of the population dynamics of the Eldilbaevskaya species focuses on the interests of the Astrakhan Region. On the basis of its analysis, the blueprint concludes that the number of Eldilbaevskaya species sheep in the Astrakhan Region will increase.

Key words: Eldilbaevskaya species,meat productivity,selective work,population dynamics,thoroughbred cross (interbreeding),meat-fat sheep breeding