Journal of fundamental
applied researches

Analysis of flora deposits after rice cultivation

2012. ¹4, pp. 12-15

Bembeeva Olga G. - post-graduate student, Kalmyk State University, 11 Pushkin Str., Elista, 358000, Republic of Kalmykia, Russian Federation,

Within the territory of the Republic of Kalmykia, deposits have been formed after tillage of crop production, with and without irrigation. The paper has investigated 30 fallow plots of different ages, from 1 year to 30 years, after the cultivation of Oryza sativa. The floristic richness has been assessed for deposits of 84 plant species belonging to 21 families and 70 genera. The species results were as follows: Asteraceae (20 species), Poaceae (15 species), Chenopodiaceae (9 species), Brassicaceae (8 species), Cyperaceae (6 species). Species diversity deposits stabilized after ten years of successive recovery. Moreover, the correlation of plant life forms is undergoing a process of change, with perennial grasses and semi shrubs playing an increasing role that is typical for virgin vegetation. In the post-rice farming era, flora deposits are represented by 10 environmental types, of which xeromesophyte, evmezofity, galokserofity, hydrophytes and gigromezofity dominate. An analysis of flora deposits has displayed recovery succession.

Key words: deposit,recovery succession,demutation,plant communities,soil salinity,irrigated land