Journal of fundamental
applied researches

Modern irrigation technique is the basis for high yields and sustainable business development

2018. №1, pp. 27-34

Medvedev A.V. - postgraduate student, Volgograd State Agricultural University, 26 University Ave., Volgograd, 400002, Russian Federation,

Medvedeva L.N. - D.Sc. (Economics), Leading Researcher, All-Russian Research Institute of Irrigated Agriculture, 9 Timiryazeva Str., Volgograd, 400002, Russian Federation,

The article analyzes the development of land reclamation in Russia, presents data on the provision of farmers with irrigation equipment, determines tasks for the further development of Russian mechanical engineering in the field of land reclamation. The paper shows the main suppliers of irrigation equipment to Russia, including companies that supply a wide swath of the car - Reinke, Valley, Zimmatic, T-L Irrigation, Pierce Corporation (USA); HT-BAUER (Austria); 2IE, irrifrance (France); RKD, Chamsa (Spain); irriland (Italy); Fregat (Ukraine); West (UAE); and machine drum - Pioggia Carnevali, OSM , Marani, Irriland, Ferbo, RM-PM, Nettuno, Idrofiglia (Italy); Bauer (Austria); Benelich, Agro-D (Germany). The President noted that foreign manufacturers offer irrigation systems of the 3rd generation with electronic control systems and that the degree of localization of foreign manufacturers of irrigation machinery in Russia are equal to zero. The article presents the data about the Russian manufacturers of irrigation equipment proposed execution path of the program of import substitution in the production of irrigation equipment, the data on drum irrigation machine AGROMASH - Niagara 500/110", manufactured by LLC "Volgograd engineering company "VGTZ". It is proved that the implementation of the Federal target program "Development of reclamation of agricultural lands of Russia for 2014-2020" and sustainable development of agriculture is possible only on the basis of the development of agricultural machinery (part of machinery for irrigation).

Key words: мелиорация земель, государственное регулирование в области развития орошаемых земель, дождевальные машины, импортозамещение в сельском машиностроении, зарубежные производители оросительной техники, дождевальные установки «Казанка», «АГРОМАШ - Ниагара 500/